Faith: The Courage to be Uncomfortable!

Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone… This last weekend, we had our parish festival. One of our musical groups invited me to play the opening song with them. I have played guitar for years now, but mostly in church or by myself. A few times I have had the opportunity to play secular songs with real…

Is Life just a Game of Monopoly?

“Vanity of Vanities says Qoheleth”; Is life just a game of Monopoly? As Vocation Director, I talk to many about how to find your mission in life. Last Sunday’s readings, warn about the danger of the opposite; spending your life on things that do not really matter. They urge us to “Be rich in what…

The Deeper Meaning of the Eucharist

Padre Pio tells us; “It is easier for the earth to exist without the sun than without the holy Sacrifice of the Mass.” The Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ is to help us appreciate the deeper meaning of the Mass, and of all our life! I met a lady the other day…

Life after the Resurrection: A Meditation on John Chapter 21

In the Easter Season, we are hearing about the appearances of the Risen Jesus to the disciples in the Sunday readings.  The third Sunday of Easter, we hear from the Gospel of John, Chapter 21, about the 3rd appearance of Jesus to the disciples. (It is interesting to note, that St. Paul tells us that…

Are You Bearing Fruit? Write your Autobiography, Read IT and See!

This Sunday’s Gospel, Luke 13:1-9 from the 3rd Sunday of Lent, is the parable of the vineyard owner who wishes to cut down a tree on his property that is not being fruitful.  The vine dresser however pleads, let me fertilize it and wait one more year. Perhaps then it will bear fruit. If not,…