This is the VOCATION DIRECTOR’s website for the Western United States Province of the Conventual Franciscans. Our Province is named the St. Joseph of Cupertino.
Our Franciscan Charism
(Use menu at top left of image to select more videos)
This website has two parts:
- Tools to help you discern a Vocation. These tools include; a Blog, Ways to Meet Us, and Journal Exercises.
- Links to Information about the Franciscan Order, on the World, National, or Western Province levels.
The blog is a series of reflections to help someone who is in the discernment process. It is mainly things that come up during my work talking with people, based on questions they ask, and the discussions we have. In addition to the blog, this site has ways you can meet the friars and see them “In Action” at local ministries and upcoming events. Finally discernment does require some hard work. The “Study” page provides additional reading material, and journal exercises. You are invited to pray, read, journal and discuss these topics with the Vocation Director, or a Local Friar he will assign to work with you on these discernment exercises.
The Information about the Franciscan Order is a series of links to other websites. If you are Discerning a Vocation, be sure to visit our National Vocation Website at:
I welcome you to contact me, Fr. Paul our Vocation Director, at 510-671-0537, or email me at or use button below.
May God Bless You! Pace e Bene