Initial Formation Series: Postulancy

Most discerners want to know what the first few years in the order look like. In this post and following posts, I will try to describe the first years in the order. These first years are often referred to as “Initial Formation” Principle and Purpose of Initial Formation: Since our entire life is a process…

Initial Formation Series: Novitiate

The second year of Initial formation is the Novitiate year. It begins with the Investiture ceremony, when a young man first receives his habit, and becomes a member of the order. If we look at the experience of Francis, in particular at the years of his conversion, we notice that they were decisive moments of…

Initial Formation Series: Post Novitiate

The post novitiate years begin with the profession of Vows, for the first time, for a period of three years. This time of temporary profession, is to continue to deepen your life as a Franciscan, but also to be trained for ministry.  A friar planning to be a brother may study theology in general, or…

Is Life just a Game of Monopoly?

“Vanity of Vanities says Qoheleth”; Is life just a game of Monopoly? As Vocation Director, I talk to many about how to find your mission in life. Last Sunday’s readings, warn about the danger of the opposite; spending your life on things that do not really matter. They urge us to “Be rich in what…

A Message for Graduates – A Prayer for Students

We had our 8th Grade Graduation the other day at our Catholic School, Our Lady of Grace in Castro Valley, where we Conventual Franciscans have been newly ministering for one year now. How proud we were of our graduates, as they got up and spoke of the value of their Catholic Education! They have been…

The Deeper Meaning of the Eucharist

Padre Pio tells us; “It is easier for the earth to exist without the sun than without the holy Sacrifice of the Mass.” The Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ is to help us appreciate the deeper meaning of the Mass, and of all our life! I met a lady the other day…