The Deeper Meaning of Our Lives – Franciscan Poverty

In my more recent post (read post), I spoke of how the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ reminds us of the deeper reality of the Mass. The Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ is STILL so much more!  Today’s Feast is not only about the deeper reality of the Mass, it…

Our Light Makes Christ Visible (Our last Come & See)

Once in a while, we see a “footprint” of God, and we know we are on the right path!  This happened just last weekend, while friar Bao and I were hurriedly preparing for a Friday night prayer service at the end of our first day of our “Come and See” weekend experience (retreat). Friar Bao…

Life after the Resurrection: A Meditation on John Chapter 21

In the Easter Season, we are hearing about the appearances of the Risen Jesus to the disciples in the Sunday readings.  The third Sunday of Easter, we hear from the Gospel of John, Chapter 21, about the 3rd appearance of Jesus to the disciples. (It is interesting to note, that St. Paul tells us that…

Why Do Franciscans Live Celibacy?

Franciscans do not take a vow of Celibacy! We take a vow of Chastity, which is really no different than any other Christian.  Chastity is the virtue of right ordering of your sexuality within the context of your whole person, and your lifestyle. Chastity is the virtue of expressing your sexuality appropriately according to your…

Are You Bearing Fruit? Write your Autobiography, Read IT and See!

This Sunday’s Gospel, Luke 13:1-9 from the 3rd Sunday of Lent, is the parable of the vineyard owner who wishes to cut down a tree on his property that is not being fruitful.  The vine dresser however pleads, let me fertilize it and wait one more year. Perhaps then it will bear fruit. If not,…

Are You a Fish? Or a Fisherman?

That is the basic question of Life! Hopefully, you are at least a fish! Hopefully also, one day you will be a fisher of people! Our lives on earth can be descried in a very simple way: first we must be saved, then we must work to save others. It really is that simple! Regretfully…